You’ve heard the phrase given to children desperate for a household pet but unaware of the commitment needed – “A dog is for life not just for Christmas!!” Well it’s always important to remember that ‘mission’ definitely isn’t just for summer – it’s for all of life!!
But the summer season offers a unique opportunity to go to other places and share the Gospel in a very intentional way. We praise God for news that a number from our parish are going overseas to serve, or to camps or festivals as leaders! At the end of the August we have some special events focussing on Mission from a number of exciting and differing perspectives!
On Sunday the 20th of August, we will be welcoming Sue Trenier to our morning services to share about her fascinating life of serving God. Here’s just a snippet of her story:

God began making me uncomfortable regarding my commitment and I followed His calling to attend Bible School, leaving behind my career in nursing. Studying the Bible was amazing and God grew me and lead me to respond to His calling to go to Irian Jaya in Indonesia later to change its name to West Papua.
I left for West Papua in January 1978 to join teams working among many unreached tribal groups in the vast interior of the island. Over the 39 years serving with the fledging and later large independent Evangelical Church of Indonesia. It was my privilege to work in medical work, women’s work, language analyses and Bible Translation among the Hupla Tribe and other neighbouring groups. I have now returned to Scotland since June 2016 and am still in the process of settling back into ‘normal life’.
As well as hearing from Sue, we will also be hearing a brief report from some of those from our own parish that have been serving overseas.

Last, but definitely not least, on Tuesday the 22nd August, starting at 7:30 in Dollingstown, we are hosting part of the Worldwide Bangor Missionary Convention in St.Saviour’s. It will be a night of worship and stories that will inform, challenge and encourage us about the mission of God in the world! Charlene’s Project will be contributing and needs no introduction, but for anyone who hasn’t heard of Archbishop Orombi, he served as Archbishop of Uganda and Bishop of Kampala from 2004 until his retirement in December 2012. He spoke at New Wine a few years ago and is a wonderful communicator.
Below is a link to the artwork for Worldwide Bangor Missionary Convention Night in St.Saviour’s: