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The Rector Writes – May 2013


May 2013

“….turn your ear to my words.

Do not let them out of your sight,

keep them within your heart;

for they are life to those who find them

and health to one’s whole body.

Above all else, guard your heart,

for everything you do flows from it.”

Proverbs 4:20-23

I’ve found myself quoting the book of Proverbs a lot recently and it has a lot to tell us about our hearts. Our morning services in much of May and June will centre on what you might call “matters of the heart.”

The word “heart” is used in many different ways in the Bible but mainly to signify what we would call the mind – our decision making, rather than any kind of sentimental sense of our emotions. Perhaps the best way is to take a holistic view and see this as a call to lives that are completely aligned to God’s will for us.

You will read elsewhere in the Messenger about our decision to extend the Pro-vision programme into the autumn months. This gives us very exciting opportunities to spend more time praying and working through themes of renewal, seeking the fullness of God’s plan for us as individuals and as a parish.

These weeks leading up to Pentecost are a great time to consider how God renews his church. As we think collectively about becoming new people it is also an opportune time to welcome new people.

We’re delighted that the Zeiders family have now arrived among us and that Harry has taken up a role as our Associate Minister. Harry, Nancy, Harrison and Graham are currently adjusting to life in Northern Ireland. Please take every opportunity to make them feel very welcome and assure them of your prayers.

It will be exciting to see how the new people being renewed and the old people being renewed go forward together. Let’s be prayerfully open to what God might do among us in the months to come.

Yours in Christ,